A Novel Core Body
Temperature Sensor

Accurate, wearable, non-invasive measurement
of internal body temperatures

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Measuring Internal Temperature… From the Outside

It all started when DARPA was looking for a mobile, wearable sensor to protect troops in Afghanistan from serious injury and death from heat stress. Dr. Zoya Popovic put the problem to the talented research students in her University of Colorado Radio Frequency Lab and came up with a novel application of technologies normally associated with measuring the temperature of stars thousands of light years away; turning it inwards to look deep into the human body where we can accurately measure the temperature of tumors, monitor for brain temperature increases in the critical time after traumatic brain injury or stroke and many other applications.

This is just one of many applications that an be served by this technology. Because our bodies have a lot more to tell us than just 98.6 degrees.

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The Technology

LumenAstra is collaborating with Dr. Popovic’s Radio Frequency Lab at the University of Colorado-Boulder to commercialize a patent for an accurate, wearable, non-invasive sensor for measuring internal body temperatures, deep below the skin where its placed. The 20 claims in the patent cover the complex methods that enable this technology that has previously eluded many companies and technologists.

The RF Lab has successfully demonstrated the science and already reduced the sensitive probe electronics from a 2x3 inch board… to a single chip 2mm on a side.

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